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    Chan’s creative principle focuses on comparing Chinese and Western cultures, while exploring the restrictions of various artistic rhetoric and mediums. In 2016, he began deploying painting as his major creative medium which is backboned by methodologies of Chinese calligraphy. He focuses on the calligraphic quality in painting and searches for a balance between the Western rational tradition and the Eastern expressionist tradition in his practice. In his artistic practice, he tries to embrace the diversity in current times using simpler forms and to deploy his exquisite traditional training into the contemporary expressions.

    Polishing the Mirror

    Kurt Chan

    HKD 58,000

    A little crazy

    Kurt Chan


    Kurt Chan

    "as of"

    Kurt Chan


    Kurt Chan


    Kurt Chan


    Kurt Chan


    Kurt Chan


    Kurt Chan


    Kurt Chan


    Kurt Chan

    HKD 48,000


    Kurt Chan


    Kurt Chan

    Above and below

    Kurt Chan


    Kurt Chan


    Kurt Chan


    Kurt Chan


    Kurt Chan


    Kurt Chan

    HKD 24,000

    Blue Bridge

    Kurt Chan

    Blue Mountain

    Kurt Chan

    Rock From the Other Mountain

    Kurt Chan

    HKD 78,000

    Cold Mountain

    Kurt Chan

    HKD 38,000

    Strong Wind

    Kurt Chan

    HKD 38,000

    Prof. Kurt Chan Yuk Keung was born in Hong Kong in 1959. He graduated from Department of Fine Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1983. Later, he obtained his MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art, USA. Chan is regarded as a prominent figure in the Hong Kong contemporary art scene since the 1990s, with installation and mixed media art as his early artistic practices. He began his pedagogic career in Department of Fine Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1989. Having pioneered in teaching installation and mixed media art in systematically structured courses, he nurtured a generation of local art talents. His students also include pivotal figures in the Hong Kong contemporary art scene and educators from various tertiary education institutions. In 2016, Chan retired from his 27-year teaching career at CUHK and became the Acting Director of Hong Kong Art School.


    Kurt Chan participated in more than 80 exhibitions, including the 51st Venice Biennale (2005) and the 3rd Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (1999).